Monday, November 24, 2008

Big Gamble!

Peter Eastgate of Denmark poses with a pile of cash after winning the World Series of Poker championship in Las Vegas. Eastgate, aged 22, won more than $9 million

Monday, November 17, 2008

3 More Tools To Bring Power To Right Click Men

Who doesn’t love a shortcut? Thanks to the guy who programmed in the right click menu, we get to take some of them while working or browsing on the computer. Here at MakeUseOf we have looked at some of the ways to add more power to the right click menu.

Earlier we have looked at ways to customize the right click menu on your own or use the free ‘Mmm’ to do it for you. We have also looked at ways to clean up all the rubble from the right click context menu here. But here I am back again looking at three more ways to give my right click menu a booster shot.

Folder Guide

Moo0 RightClicker

FileMenu Tools


Friday, November 14, 2008

10 Fascinating Last Pictures Taken

The words “Last picture taken” before his or her death conjure up many emotions, whether in front of the camera or behind it. This list consists of 10 last time stamps in history taken of and by some fascinating individuals. If anyone has new or conflicting information concerning the photos or information in this list I hope you will share it in your comments.
See All Pictures

Via listverse & 1pezeshk

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sneakey Robbers Turn to the >Social Web

"Leave your keys in your pocket," is the advice given by computer programmers at University of California San Diego who recently created 'Sneakey' software; an application that uses a digital image of a key to produce an exact copy in physical form within minutes.

According to Stefan Savage, the computer science professor who led the project, advances in digital imaging have made it so easy that even a low resolution photo from a cell phone offers enough information to decode and reproduce a key.

In a recent publication (PDF), Sneakey is described as "simplistic enough that someone with no prior knowledge about the mechanics of keys or lock mechanics can operate it," yet the algorithm is sophisticated enough to cope with the poor quality of images routinely posted on the Web.

In one experiment, the Sneakey team installed a camera on their four story department building (77 feet above the ground) at an acute angle to a key sitting on a café table 195 feet away. The image captured (below) was correctly decoded.

How Sneakey Works

Using a digital image of a key from almost any angle, Sneakey measures the depth of each cut, strings together this information and spits out a bitting code - typically a five or six digit number - that locksmiths use to make each cut on a blank key. The bitting code, along with the basic key information is enough to make a duplicate key.

Via ReadWriteWeb

Monday, November 3, 2008

When God Wants To Paint

A scene you will probably never get to see, so take a moment and enjoy God

at work at the North Pole. This is the sunset at the North Pole with the moon

at its closest point. And you also see the sun below the moon. An amazing

photo and not one easily duplicated.