Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Greatest Show on Earth!

When it comes to home theaters, I thought I'd seen it all. But nothing's come close to this. First, I'm going to try to describe the sheer magnitude of Jeremy Kipnis' theater. His Stewart Snowmatte laboratory-grade screen is the biggest I've ever seen in a home, and in the back of the theater, there's a Sony ultra-high-resolution (4,096-by-2,160) SRX-S110 digital projector. I'm looking everywhere, jotting down questions, and Kipnis sounds almost giddy talking about his theater's capabilities. He refers to his baby, the Kipnis Studio Standard (KSS), as "The Greatest Show on Earth." And from the looks of it, he may be right.


Unknown said...

This home theater thing seems to be great, but I'd rather enjoy the movie!
Have you seen the "Ratatouille"? It's really gripping! I love it!

Ali Taeb said...

Yep, I saw it couple months ago.
That's really wonderful and I love Ratatouille....